City Forest is a Toronto-based company founded by Todd Irvine, a certified arborist specializing in educating homeowners, students and professionals about the care of trees and stewardship of the urban forest.
He holds master degrees in both Forest Conservation and Sociology. He completed an arboriculture apprenticeship at Humber College, and has been an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist for over 20 years.
Todd worked for 5 years as the communications coordinator with LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests), where he co-created and led the popular Toronto Tree Tours and Tree Tenders training program. He has led over 150 walking tours in neighbourhoods throughout the city.
As a sessional instructor at the University of Toronto, Todd has co-taught masters-level landscape architecture courses in urban ecology. He is a frequent guest lecturer for environmental and urban studies courses, and has taught yearly tree care workshops to Landscape Ontario members for the past 15 years. He spent four years on the board of Green Thumbs, a non-profit organization that builds and programs children’s learning gardens.
Todd is a co-founder and contributing editor of the award-winning urban affairs magazine Spacing. His writing on trees and ecology has appeared in the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail and Canadian Geographic and he has been a frequent guest on programs such as CBC Radio’s Metro Morning.
Photo by: Cindy Blazevic